Author: jwiltshire

2024-01-25 / / Uncategorized
2024-01-04 / / Uncategorized

After reading a ton of books in prior years I fell off doing a lot of reading in 2022, so for 2023 I made it a priority to read more again, and as part of that I began tracking my reading. Because I wanted to keep it simple, and I sort of strongly dislike using sites like Goodreads, I made myself a spreadsheet with three tabs to track my reading; the first tab tracking the book-books I read this year, the second tab tracking single issue comic books (“floppies”), and the third tab tracking comic collections, trades paperback, omnibuses, graphic novels, etc.

Some basic numbers: I started 25 book-books in the past year; I finished all but one of them. I didn’t keep track of genres but for the most part it is a mix of science fiction, detective novels, and science and history non-fiction. All but two of the books were first-time reads for me. The publication years, when averaged, comes out to 2000, so it was a mix of contemporary books and books published latter half of the 20th century. Once I finished a book, I gave it a basic 1-5 star rating, mostly a sentiment of how much I enjoyed reading the book vs a reflection of the book’s quality itself. The ratings for the year average out to 3.25 stars, which isn’t bad on the whole.

2022-12-12 / / Uncategorized
2022-11-16 / / Uncategorized
2018-07-12 / / Uncategorized
2018-04-11 / / Uncategorized
2017-12-04 / / Uncategorized
2017-07-28 / / Uncategorized
2017-05-12 / / Uncategorized